
Round-Up donations extend Goodwill's reach



 For Goodwill Industries® Week, we launched our new fundraising  program, Round-Up = Jobs, at two stores, Southwest  Boulevard and Owasso. Our customers have been extremely generous. Here is a sampling of what just the Round-Up donations could provide.

Day 1

A day of job coaching for six workers
with disabilities at Goodwill’s East Campus

Day 2

Flash drives for 35 participants in TulsaWORKS’ Employment Essentials class to store their resumes,
letters of recommendation, reference contact information and other job-search records, and access those documents from any computer 

Day 3

Create seven resumes for unemployed or underemployed job seekers at our Goodwill
Job Connection sites

Day 4

A day of instruction in TulsaWORKS’ A+ Training class for students looking to earn an entry-level certification in the Information Technology industry

Day 5, 6, 7

Instruction for up to 24 students in the week-long Career Readiness Seminar at TulsaWORKS

Sounds like we’re off to a great start, right? We’ll soon roll out the program at our other stores. When you are asked to round up, keep in mind our goal is to reach everyone who can benefit from our services. 


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Main Offices
2800 Southwest Boulevard, Tulsa OK 74107