
Forbes shares tips for morning routine at work


Are we starting the work day off in a way that creates an atmosphere for productivity?
This piece by Forbes staffer Jacquelyn Smith can help us audit our morning routine.









The suggestions skew toward the 8 to 4, 9 to 5 workday crowd. But mid- or late-shifters can apply elements as well.

For instance, the copy editor walking into a busy newsroom at 5 p.m. is immediately set upon by reporters, editors or press workers, who have been waiting for hours to give or receive status updates. In that scenario, the copy editor is probably going to have to politely ask for a moment to take a breath and meditate (tip No. 3). And the request will be better received if the copy editor arrives on time (tip No. 1).

The workplace environment will dictate how applicable these tips would be. “Reminding yourself of your core purpose at work” (tip No. 11) should work in all environments. “Connecting to a sense of purpose is one of the most powerful motivators there is,” Smith writes. Totally agree. Unfortunately, we often might ask this at the wrong time. When things are hectic or going slow, “why am I HERE?” takes on a different meaning.

And sure enough, Smith wrote a companion piece on “Things you should do at the end of every work day.” High on that list, would be crafting a quick plan for the next day. Or at least, the few things that you’ll want to get on first thing. You can always adjust if needed when you get in after checking and responding to all your emails...wait, DON’T do that!

Some of these tips feel natural, or at least, we wish they were. Do you see any of your morning habits? Share in the comments.


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