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Tax time is here. And many taxpayers can have their returns prepared free of charge!
Volunteers with the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program will be at 2800 Southwest Boulevard to prepare income tax returns Saturdays, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. from February 4 to April 15. Prior year returns and amended returns can also be prepared beginning March 18.
Tulsa Area United Way facilitates the VITA program locally. Individuals and families with household
income up to $54,000 are eligible. The other VITA site locations, scheduled to open in February, are:
East Side Christian Church
1438 S. Indianapolis Avenue
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Tulsa Dream Center
200 W. 46th St. North
Mondays and Thursdays, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
The Center for Individuals with Physical Challenges
815 S. Utica
Thursdays, 5-8 p.m.
8145 E. 17th Street
Tuesdays, 9 a.m-3 p.m. Spanish is spoken here.
You can call 2-1-1 Helpline for other sites and hours in Tulsa. If you are outside Tulsa,
visit http://irs.treasury.gov/freetaxprep/.
If you are comfortable working on computers and earn up to $64,000, you can prepare your own taxes online at no cost at MyFreeTaxes.com.
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Sponsored by United Way, with support from H&R Block®, MyFreeTaxes is a free, safe and easy way for anyone with household income up to $64,000 to file state and federal taxes. And it’s optimized for mobile devices so filers can enter data into their secure account anytime and anywhere.
Assistance is available through online chat or the helpline, 1-855-My-Tx-Help
(1-855-698-9435). Save the money that you’d spend on tax software or going to a paid preparer. Check it out here.
Beginning this year, a new law requires the IRS to hold your Earned Income Tax Credit or Additional Child
Tax Credit refund until February 15. The IRS must hold the entire refund not just the credit portion.
You don’t need to wait, however, to file your tax return. AND going to a paid preparer will NOT make
your refund come faster. VITA volunteers and MyFreeTaxes can check if you are eligible to claim
these valuable credits. For instance, the EITC helps workers keep more of what they earn to pay for things
such as childcare, groceries, and car repairs to get to work. Learn more here.
Happy tax season!