
Building a Better Future
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.


Goodwill TulsaWORKS Career Academy helped Trey transition into a career he loves.

The former construction worker says he enjoyed his old job, but cycles of layoffs made him wary of staying in the industry.

“I remember looking around and seeing a lot of the older folks starting over again from the ground and working back up after getting laid off,” says Trey.

After losing his job, Trey came to Goodwill TulsaWORKS looking to get into a more stable industry. He wanted to work in the IT industry but lacked the GED required to enroll in IT certifications. So, Trey enrolled in the TulsaWORKS Unarmed Private Security training. He quickly landed a job in private security and used his free time to continue taking classes at TulsaWORKS.

“I picked up a few computer-based certifications while I was studying for my GED, and as soon as I passed, I went back to TulsaWORKS for the Google IT Support Professional training.”

Trey excelled in the Google IT course, completing the seven-month training in only three months. Trey impressed the staff at Goodwill so much that he was hired as a system administrator at Goodwill Tulsa.

“I'm in the field I want to be in. I have more work and learning left to do, but I managed to get to where I am today thanks to all of the help I received at Goodwill."

Learn more about the programs offered by Goodwill TulsaWORKS by clicking here.

Bank On Tulsa Certified Accounts
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.

Bank On Tulsa is a program that strives to connect people to safe and affordable bank accounts. These accounts have no overdraft fees, and have free online banking and free in-network ATM access. An adult can pay around $40,000 in a lifetime in fees to get their money if they don’t have a bank account. Bank On Tulsa has certified 11 accounts for you to choose from to help you avoid this large cost.

For more information about Bank On Tulsa, contact Kelsey Schultz at 918-581-1227.

Bank On Tulsa Certified Accounts
Bank Name Ally Bank Arvest Bank BancFirst
Bank of America
Bank Of Oklahoma  Chase
Commerce Bank  Discover Bank
First Fidelity Bank  Security
Simmons Bank
Bank On Certified
Account Name
Interest Checking
Arvest Bright
Solutions Banking
E-Connect Account
SafeBalance Checking

Opportunity Banking
Secure Banking Account
Velocity Pay
Prepaid Debit Card
Cashback Debit
Checking Account

Freedom Checking Security E-Checking Account   Affordable Advantage Checking Account
Terms, Fees, and Account Features
 Overdrafts and
Insufficient Funds
Monthly Fee NONE $5 with E-statements
$7 with paper
 $2.50 $4.95
$5  $4.95
Waived with 15 debit transactions 
Online Account
Online Only Yes  Yes
Yes  Yes
Online Only Yes Yes  Yes
Minimum Opening
$0 $25 $25
$25  $0 $0
$0 $25 $25 $25
Cashiers Checks $0 $8 Cashier's Check
$3 Money Orders
Free Money Orders
$15/Cashier's Check
$3 Cashiers Check  $0 Money Order and
Cashier's Checks
Four Free Money Orders Per Month
Free Checks Free Checks with Bill Pay $3 Money Orders & Cashier's Checks  $6 Cashier's Checks
Pay Bills Free Online Bill Pay Free Online Bill Pay Free Online Bill Pay
Free Online Bill Pay
Free Online Bill Pay  Free Online Bill Pay
Pay Bills With Velocity Card
Free Online Bill Pay
Free Online Bill Pay  Free Online Bill Pay Free Online Bill Pay

Giving Tuesday 2021


Want to join us? We are participating in Giving Tuesday this year and your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Every little bit helps. Your support is what allows us to serve hundreds of people in our community each year. Thank you!

Goodwill Industries of Tulsa provides work opportunities, job training and support services for people with disabilities or other employment barriers.

We have a goal of raising $5,000 this year! You can help us get there by either, joining the conversation online and creating a Facebook Fundraising Page, or by donating directly.


If you'd like to involve your friends and family, download the Step-by-Step instructions below on How To Create a Facebook Fundraising Page for Goodwill.  

Facebook Fundraising How To

Oh, and don't forget to download the photo below with the Giving Tuesday filter
to include on your page.

Giving Tuesday Photo

If you'd like to donate directly to Goodwill,
click the link below to see how your donation strengthens our community.

Give Now



About Giving Tuesday
  • Founded in 2012, #GivingTuesday is a global giving movement that has been built by individuals, families, organizations, businesses and communities in all 50 states and in countries around the world.
  • Giving Tuesday harnesses the collective power of a unique blend of partners to transform how people think about, talk about, and participate in the giving season. It inspires people to take collective action to improve their communities, give back in better, smarter ways to the charities and causes they believe in, and help create a better world.
  • Giving Tuesday demonstrates how every act of generosity counts, and that they mean even more when we give together. 

To learn more about Giving Tuesday participants and activities or to join the celebration of giving, please visit:

Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.
Full-time Bank On fellow will lead coalition of government leaders, community
organizations, and financial institutions in Tulsa to help bank the unbanked.

CLICK HERE to learn more.

Moving Forward
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.


Many Oklahomans found themselves without jobs earlier this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Teresa, a single mother of three, was one of those impacted. But Teresa remained positive and chose to use this time to improve her skills by enrolling in Workplace Computer Skills training at Goodwill TulsaWORKS Career Academy (TWCA).

Teresa has dealt with adversity before. “Growing up, I was placed in special education programs and believed I would not amount to anything,” Teresa says. “It felt like my life was planned out to be a nobody.” But Teresa always knew she wanted more for herself and her children, and this was her opportunity to pursue those goals.

Teresa learned after arriving at Goodwill that many resources are available to people in her situation. “I was amazed,” she says. “If you want to better yourself, you can have it!” She was filled with hope, knowing there was no room for excuses.

One of the resources of particular interest to Teresa was a Goodwill TWCA program to earn the Google IT Support Professional Certificate.

Teresa recently began seasonal work at Macy’s to support her family while she completes her training at Goodwill TWCA. Balancing a part-time job, technical training, and mom duties is challenging, especially when you lack reliable transportation. Because of barriers like these, Goodwill TWCA was excited to add virtual training options to our in-person trainings this year.

“I am so grateful the course has an online option,” Teresa says. “It allows me to do my course work at home and on the weekends.”

Teresa earned her Google IT Support Professionals Certificate this month and is beginning her job search in the IT industry with confidence. “Without support from Goodwill TWCA, I would not have had the determination I needed to finish,” Teresa says. “I would have continued taking jobs with lower pay instead of striving for something I can achieve.”

Thanks to your support, Goodwill continues to provide essential training courses to people like Teresa during these uncertain times.

#GivingTuesday 2020
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.


Want to join us? We are participating in #GivingTuesday this year and your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Every little bit helps. Your support is what allows us to serve hundreds of people in our community each year. Thank you!

Goodwill Industries of Tulsa provides work opportunities, job training and support services for people with disabilities or other employment barriers.

We have a goal of raising $2,500 this year! You can help us get there by either, joining the conversation online and creating a Facebook Fundraising Page, or by donating directly.


If you'd like to involve your friends and family, download the Step-by-Step instructions below on How To Create a Facebook Fundraising Page for Goodwill.  

Facebook Fundraising How To

Oh, and don't forget to download the photo below with the #GivingTuesday filter
to include on your page.

#GivingTuesday photo

If you'd like to donate directly to Goodwill,
click the link below to see how your donation strengthens our community.

Give Now



About #GivingTuesday
  • Founded in 2012, #GivingTuesday is a global giving movement that has been built by individuals, families, organizations, businesses and communities in all 50 states and in countries around the world.
  • #GivingTuesday harnesses the collective power of a unique blend of partners
to transform how people think about, talk about, and participate in the giving season. It inspires people to take collective action to improve their communities, give back in better, smarter ways to the charities and causes they believe in, and help create a better world.
  • #GivingTuesday demonstrates how every act of generosity counts, and that they mean even more when we give together. 

To learn more about #GivingTuesday participants and activities or to join the celebration of giving, please visit:


We Are Here for You
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.

Goodwill Industries of Tulsa is committed to serving you. Learn more about our services by following the links below.

Job Connection

Financial Wellness

Goodwill TulsaWORKS Career Academy

Online Job Board

Goodwill Job Connection Hosts Its First Virtual Career Fair
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.


Goodwill Job Connection hosted its first Virtual Career Fair helping to connect 68 job seekers with employers.

The economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 crisis has left thousands throughout the Tulsa area unemployed.

“You would think people aren't hiring,” said Goodwill TulsaWORKS Career Coach Adam. “There are tons of jobs, and people are getting them all the time.”

Adam said it’s a matter of connecting employers with job seekers in a way that is safe for everyone. That’s why Goodwill created the Virtual Career Fair.

The fair worked like this: Employers picked specific times to call into a video conference from their own offices. Then, some job seekers connected to that video conference from their home devices. Other job seekers came to the Goodwill TulsaWORKS Career Academy to watch the video conference from classrooms.

The health of those who came to Goodwill’s physical location was a top priority, explains Goodwill Job Connection staffer Pilar. “As soon as they come in, I'll take their temperature, and they filled out one of our health screenings.” Those individuals then watched from classrooms where social distancing and masks were required. 

The video conference allowed those watching their own devices to ask questions directly to employers. Those in the classrooms were able to ask questions through Goodwill’s moderators. In some of those rooms, Goodwill was also able to provide Spanish translators for job seekers.

For many job seekers, the job application process began immediately after the fair. Some employers said that applicants could start working within a week.


“I think they're excited just to be out in the community again," said Goodwill Career Coach Kelsey. "They're getting these really cool opportunities at Goodwill."

The employers represented in this round of the virtual career fair included Walmart Distribution, Owl Nite Security, People Ready, AAON, Sherwood Construction, and Goodwill Industries of Tulsa.

Adam is confident that this process will evolve as Goodwill hosts more virtual job fairs. “It's a new thing that we're doing. And the next time we do it's going to be even better.”

Introduction to Router Controls
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.


Montana is back with more basic router controls you can easily use to secure your home internet. You can learn more about Montana's classes by clicking below.

DIY Projects for Kids of All Ages
Julia Marchand

Before I became a mom, I heard a whole slew of gripes from other parents. The one that kept recurring more often than any others was “Kids are expensive!” Creativity becomes imperative for those on a budget who don’t want their little ones to go without the games and goodies that make childhood special, so here are a few kid-approved projects to keep the little ones and your wallet happy…

Image via

Fishing can happen any time of any day when it’s taking place right at home. I discovered this adorable little DIY fishing game lurking in the depths of Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries, Inc. (Cincinnati)’s Baby & Kids On A Budget pinboard. Reel in a few low-priced men’s shirts the next time you’re thrifting and get started on this project on your next rainy day! You’ll feel proud creating something from scratch and might just be able to bait your kids into playing quietly for more than five minutes!

Image via

By now you probably already know that thrifting second-hand furniture is worlds cheaper than buying brand-new. That’s especially true when it comes to kids’ furniture! The worst part about paying full price for the furniture your kids will use is knowing that it will probably be drawn on, scratched, and stickered in no time. Why not start with furniture that is already conducive to your kids’ creativity? Jennifer crafted this truly inspiring playroom and shared it on her blog, Delightfully Noted. It includes a kids’ table that she scored at Goodwill for just $2 and transformed into a chalkboard to stay one step ahead of those inevitable doodles! Go ahead, little ones, draw on!

Who said everything in your kid’s room can’t be just as fun as the toys they request? I challenge you to turn the most boring object you can think of (a dresser, perhaps?) into something exciting for your bambinos! It really can be as simple as slapping a fresh coat of bright paint on a Goodwill bureau and swapping out the regular knobs for toys you grabbed on your way to the check out, too! I found the above project idea on Goodwill Industries of South Central Wisconsin, Inc. (Madison)’s pinboard of DIY Ideas and instantly loved its kid-friendly quirkiness.

These days I don’t have to trust other parents when they tell me how costly raising a child can be because I know, first hand, that it’s true. Thankfully, I drive past Goodwill every day on my way to and from work so I can easily swing in. Goodwill doesn’t just help my family to live a better life, but it does so for many other families as well. Goodwill agencies have actually been recognized for their forward-thinking family financial stability practices that allow program participants as well as employees and their families to access individual education and training needs that include debit management, budget and credit counseling, and educational workshops. With familial support like that, I am proud to invest my hard-earned dollars in Goodwill stores and come home to my own family a little more inspired.

Seven Steps to an Organized Staycation
Lorie Marrero


It’s mid-summer already, and your summer vacation is not going entirely as planned?  No problem, just regroup and figure out how to make the best of what’s left!  If you can’t take a big trip somewhere else, maybe you can take a “staycation” and even get a few things done around the house.

1. First think about what causes you the most stress.  Most people have cluttered areas of their home they would love to organize if they could only find the time… what if you used some of your vacation time to knock down the stressors and return to work refreshed?  The investment of your time will be returned many times over! Make a list of the projects and cluttered spaces in your home that would benefit the most from some of your time and attention.

2.  Choose the project that will give you the biggest bang for your buck—one that will provide immediate daily benefits in efficiency and reduced stress—places that you access multiple times per day that are slowing you down.  Is it your piled up home office?  Your car not fitting into the garage?  Not being able to find anything in your closet in the mornings?

3.  Now, create a big reward for getting your project done.  Look on the web for ideas for tourism in your own city—those places you always think you should go but never do.  Pick one or two of these places out with your family, like a local theme park or museum, a scavenger hunt tour or scooter tour, or something else the whole family would enjoy doing together.

4.  Target the dates for your staycation.  A long weekend off is the perfect amount of time to tackle the project, get results, and get your fun reward.  Put it on the calendar and start counting the days!

5.  Make sure you start your project with a “disposal plan,” having some idea where you are going to take extra bulk trash and locating your nearest Goodwill® donation center for convenient drop-off of your discarded decisions.  You can search at online, or use the Goodwill app for your smartphone to find the best choice.

6.  Jump in and get it done.  Assign roles to each family member, like organizing piles into paper sacks for donations, sweeping, wiping off surfaces, and helping to sort and decide.  You can even create a bonus reward for getting it done faster than estimated, like a trip to get ice cream or a favorite pizza.

7. Reap your rewards!  Take your donations and trash to their respective places, store your newly sorted items, and then park that car in the garage, or admire that clean desk. Go out and enjoy your well-earned treats together as a family!

What will YOU tackle this summer?  Make sure you remember to get your kids ready for back-to-school time by donating what they’ve outgrown before you go shopping, so that you know better what they need and you can save time and money.  Donate and shop at Goodwill, and everybody wins!

Goodwill TulsaWORKS: Basic Router Configuration
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.


Montana teaches Goodwill TulsaWORKS Career Academy's IT Fundamentals and Digital Readiness Training classes. In this video, he explains some of the basic router configurations you can adjust on your own. You can learn more about Montana's classes by clicking below.

Shoe Trends That Are Bound To Put Some Pep in Your Step
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.

By Felicia Czochanski

We are excited for many of the SS'20 trends. This season we’re going to be seeing a lot of 60’s inspired colors and early 90’s textures. It makes an interesting combination and is going to help make this summer fun for fashion – and especially footwear.

Of course, as with everything, fashion is cyclical. None of these trends are tremendously groundbreaking and in some cases are recycled from runway collections past. This is awesome for your wallet – because your local Goodwill® stores will likely have many of these trends sitting on their racks. While you’re shopping at Goodwill for the new season, it’s a great reminder that you are contributing to a more sustainable world and helping people in your community find jobs and get the financial assistance they need.

Here are some of the biggest footwear trends to lookout for this spring:

 1. Neon Colors

Photo: LC’s Closet

When it comes to colors of the upcoming season, think bright and bold. You can accessorize any outfit with a bold shoe. Colors of the season will range from a fiesty neon pink to a cool neon green. My favorite color within this range is a vibrant blue, which has been in and out of style for the past few years – making it easier to thrift items of this color!

 2. Strappy Sandals and Heels

Photo: @charitynewsweek

If you watched the Oscars this year, you may have noticed that thin, strappy sandals are back in style. Though they may not always be the most comfortable, they are stylish and can have a slimming effect on your feet. This style shoe – for both heels and flats – have been popular on and off the last few years so you shouldn’t have much trouble finding a great second-hand pair and your local Goodwill.

3. Plastic Detailing


Somewhat ironically, especially when you think of the current state of the environment, plastic detailing and embellishments are becoming en vogue this spring. A short hop away from jellied textured shoes, this trend is bringing everything from plastic straps to plastic heels to even an entirely plastic boot to the shelves. Bonus points for the brands that are combining the neon trend and coloring their plastics on the shoes. I’m predicting this trend will be a bit short lived (and uncomfortable, not all plastics are flexible!) so by the time summer hits, there should be a great selection to thrift from.

4. Silky Textures

Photo: @mychicobsession

In contrast to the plastic trend, silky textures and satin ribbon straps and ankle scarves are in style – and your feet will be incredibly happy! Mixed with pretty colors and interesting shoe shapes, this is one trend that’s here to stay throughout the season and even into fall.

5. Embellished Heels & Cool Shapes


No longer exclusive to runway brands, this season fast-fashion brands have already started molding the shape of the heels of their shoes into interesting shapes and textures. Wooden heels with geometric detailing will be in style this spring and we’ll continue to see beautiful detailing in both narrow and block heels throughout the summer. If you search through your local Goodwill stores, there’s a good chance you’ll find some shoes in this trend. I just found a pair of gorgeous brand new Taryn Rose platform block heels for $14.99, and at regular retail price they cost upwards of $250!

Thrifty Springtime Room Refresh
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.

All winter I look forward to opening the windows when spring arrives so I can feel that first fresh breeze blow through. It’s such an inspiring feeling that I wanted to capture it to enjoy year-round. Well, I can’t do that. But I can give my bedroom a refresh that reminds me of it! Read on to find out how I brought a spring-like feel to my bedroom to keep that cheerful mood all year.

When I look at the before picture of my bedroom I think “Yikes! Does someone even live there?” It’s an oddly shaped room which presents its own challenges and it has never felt cozy. Having spent forever on the back burner to our other home projects, it was clearly time for a new look. A fresh start for spring.

I started this revamp the same way that I start every organization or cleaning spree—by pulling out everything I don’t like about a space. I eye and assess each item as I go. If I don’t need something and don’t like it, I’ll toss it in the donate bin. If I do need something (like all of the fabrics that are hiding in the paper bag in the before photo), but hate the way it looks, I remove it temporarily until I can come back with a solution. Whatever’s left after I sift through everything will serve as the foundation upon which I build a new decor scheme so I try to look at what’s left with fresh, objective eyes before I go out shopping.

The solution for the fabric pile ended up coinciding with one spring-like theme I knew I wanted to bring in: picnicking. It was easy to capture the mood of this fun spring activity by adding in basket-weave textures so that was one of the first shelves I swung by on my latest Goodwill trip. Both of the winnowing baskets that I hung on the wall plus the large basket that is now home to my fabrics jumped right out at me. Fabric storage problem solved! Picnic mood accomplished. The rest of my issues pretty much sorted themselves out as I updated the space using these room refresh tips…

Tip 1: Bring in spring colors. First, I removed the heavy, dark colors that were clouding up my bedroom. Of course pastels are a spring staple, so I knew I wanted to include more pink and light blue when I was ready to add things back in. Two easy ways to do this are with books and blankets. You can’t have too many of either! I never skip the book section of my local Goodwill for exactly this reason. Books can be displayed in so many beautiful ways and they’re entertainment at the same time!

Tip 2: Shop your own home! Although you will need to bring in a few new (to you) pieces for the space to feel really fresh, you can first walk around your house looking for the right colors or items to rehome. If you don’t absolutely love something where it is, try it in the room you’re reworking. I do this a lot and end up seeing new potential in items that I never saw before! For example, you may recognize the little ceramic bunny from a previous post. I got it from Goodwill last year, but rabbits are so perfect for spring that I wanted to try it in my room. I did a little brainstorming and realized that with some antlers (which I made from Sculpee), a shallow thrifted bowl, and glue it could become a bedside jackalope ring holder. It’s a giggle and good storage all at once.

Tip 3: Add height for an uplifting feeling. If you look at the before and after photos, you can actually see the room rise a little after being restyled. Just by adding height to the arrangement on the right side of the headboard, putting the winnowing baskets up, and fluffing/bringing in more pillows, the room feels lighter and more uplifting. I thrifted the green lamp from Goodwill years ago and added that floral fabric to the shade myself. It worked in the space where it originally lived in our old apartment, but it has never felt right in this home. So, for this room refresh I peeled the old fabric off and replaced it with a fresh white. It felt so cramped down in that nook where it was. Moving it up shows it off so much better and elevates the space! 

Tip 4: Bring in plants and flowers (even if they’re fake). Rooms feel instantly more alive with greenery and blooms, so I made sure to include some in this refresh. I already had the faux flowers on the left side of the headboard, but I brought in two real plants as well and they made a huge difference! There’s nothing more exemplary of spring.

Tip 5: Soften the surfaces. Another important piece that improved my room was the addition of more plush surfaces. In the picture above you can see two whole shelves of throw rugs at my local Goodwill. There was another shelf under it filled with even more plus rug pads, too. I had been looking for a runner to go at the foot of my bed, but nothing felt quite right until I realized I could use two slightly overlapping mats for the same effect! These coupled with my new pillows made the place feel so much more inviting.

Speaking of pillows, the pink one is another DIY! My Goodwill always has fun throw pillows for sale. While browsing, I almost bought this light gray one from Calvin Klein, but ended up skipping it in favor of more color. Neutrals are fantastic, but I knew I already had enough in this room. So I set my sights on the fabric racks to make my own instead. Thrifting fabric is definitely the cheapest way to sew and it’s a trick I’ve relied on for years! You can sometimes find entire bolts of fabric (look to the right of the rug shelves up above!), but even if you only repurpose pillow cases or bed sheets that you thrift, you’ll have plenty of yardage to work with. This time, I went with a pretty peachy pink to make my new pillow cover.

Envelope pillow covers (sometimes called pocket pillow covers) are so easy to make with basic sewing skills. You use one piece of fabric for the front of the pillow, and two pieces for the back that are both wider than the width of the pillow so they overlap. Stitch all around the outside, slide the pillow insert within the center pocket, and you’re done! I added a quick Swiss cross (cut from scrap fabric) to the front of mine just for fun. It’s not perfect, but it was quick and easy! You could also use felt if you want a no-stress way to keep it from fraying over time.

The last DIY that I did to refresh my space is a little yarn wall-hanging. The idea popped into my mind when I was poking through Goodwill and saw the wooden bar the yarn is hanging from. I still have no idea what this actually is (there were a bunch of them!), but I had to grab two because I knew I could do something neat with them. They match my headboard and floors well and I needed new decor on my walls. This was perfect. Here’s how you can make one, too:

Wrap yarn around a book the same number of times for each bundle to ensure consistency in length and thickness. Always start and end your yarn at the bottom of the book, then cut the entire bundle there when you’re done. Pinch the top of the bundle—this will be the exact middle—then tie it onto whatever you’d like as demonstrated above. I used a skewer so I could hang it below the wooden bar, but you could put it on almost anything. I also added a ribbon to two bunches then braided it all together for a little extra texture. Trim the bottoms as you see fit and hang! I can’t wait to try this technique out on an embroidery hoop instead of a straight stick. There are so many possibilities!

Don’t forget that one little room refresh like this makes a huge impact outside your four walls. How? Goodwill® organizations collect clothes, electronics and household goods (in the form of your donations!) and then use the revenues from the sales to create employment placement and job training programs. These help many people in local communities with skill building and job search services such as computer classes, job transportation, mock interviews, dress etiquette, and résumé writing. So while it seems like a thrifty room redo is just a fresh start for one room in your home, it’s also a fresh start for someone in your community.

Spring Wardrobe Classics You Should Thrift Now
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.

By Felicia Czochanski

If you’re anything like me, you’re still bundled up and dealing with cold wintery temperatures. But if you’re also like me, you’re probably longing for the days of sunshine and nights with a nice breeze. That’s one of the reasons why spring is my favorite season. Besides the beautiful weather, it’s the perfect time to show off your style and have fun in vibrant colors and prints. 

While trends are great, every wardrobe needs a few basics. These are the pieces that create the perfect foundation and are timeless. Because these items are such classics, you’ll be able to find them at your local Goodwill®. They’re high on fashion but low on price tags, which is always a great thing. The four classics below should be on your thrift shopping wish list for spring.

1. Denim Jacket

Credit: Baby Shopaholic

Another piece of outerwear that always stays on the wardrobe classics list has to be the denim jacket. It’s that perfect piece that adds a bit of warmth without any bulk. And it works well when layered over your favorite button down shirt or chunky sweater.

2. Anything floral

Credit: Live Simply Plush 

I know, I know. There’s nothing groundbreaking about florals for spring, but there’s no denying how perfect the print is for the season. Having a floral piece in your closet is just a must. It doesn’t have to be a brightly colored dress, but maybe a dark floral top or even just a belt. The print is simply timeless.

3.Silky Scarf

Credit: Suburban Faux Pas

The last few months have been all about bundling up and chunky scarves. You don’t have to ditch the scarves fully, just opt for a silky one. One of my local Goodwill’s has a bin full of vintage, silk scarves for just $1. I stock up on them to tie them in my hair, around the handle of my purse and even wear as a beach cover up. There are just so many ways to rock one!


Credit: Who What Wear

Finally, a good classic shoe for spring has to be a mule. This style made a comeback a few years ago, but I’d say it’s an absolute keeper for years to come. Instead of a completely open toe, which doesn’t work for colder months, an open back mule can take you through spring, summer and fall.

DIY Statement Wall for Spring Part 1
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.


When it comes to collections, we all have our weakness. Some people collect shoes, others collect watches, or books, or cameras--who knows! If finding a new piece for your collection hiding amongst thrift store shelves brings you joy, then neither guilt nor spring cleaning should make you feel badly about it.

Goodwill has been rated in Forbes’ 20 most inspiring companies for three consecutive years (in fact, it was the only nonprofit organization in the list!) so I know I’m not the only person who walks out of a Goodwill store feeling inspired by a new favorite collectable. But here’s the trick to having a collection that adds value to your life instead of just taking up space in your home: proper curation and display. Today and next Friday we’ll walk you through the two-part creation of a statement wall that showcases small collectables. Ready?


Before we start to pull together our project supplies, I always find it helpful to go through the items I want to display and make some tough decisions. This is spring cleaning time, after all, so it’s a good opportunity to make sure the things in our home really belong there. Are there any “filler” pieces in your collection? Sometimes I’ll buy a record album to add to my vinyl stash just because the cover art is great, but then I find out I don’t really love the music or that it doesn’t play well. Do I really need it? No. It’s just taking up space. The distinguishing feature of a great collection is that each piece in it is truly special on its own. See if you can trim out the less-than-ideal-for-you pieces and donate those. This will make the display even easier to pull together!

Now it’s time to plan the layout of your statement wall! I have a lot of random glassware that had been taking up space in my kitchen cabinets. I thought each piece was cute on its own, some for sentimental reasons, some just because they put a smile on my face. They weren’t doing me any good hidden behind a cabinet door and I knew I could use that space more efficiently, so I pulled them all out and cleaned them up for display. 


Small collectables
Picture frames in various sizes
Wood cut to fit as a shelf in each frame (Mine is ½” thick plywood, but use your best judgement to find wood that is sturdy enough to hold your collectables without being so heavy that it will pull the frame from the wall. If you don’t have a saw at home, you can ask an associate at the shop where you buy it to cut it to size.)
Paint (optional)
Small corner braces or L brackets in various sizes (Each frame will need at least two. Bigger frames may need more.)
Sawtooth hangers (if your frames don’t have them)
Colorful cardstock paper and/or wrapping paper
Small clamps (optional)
Small staple gun, painter’s tape, or hot glue gun to attach paper backing

Disclaimer: If your collectables are super heavy or super fragile, you may not want to try this method of display, just in case. Pet owners and parents should also make sure that these frames are high enough to be safe from little hands or paws!

Step 1: Thrift picture frames for your objects. Some of your pieces might look good gathered in small groups within one larger picture frame. Others might make a statement in their own tiny frame. A general rule for wall hangings is that you want to fill two-thirds of the empty wall space. I started by thrifting a bunch of frames in random sizes that would fill the empty area on my wall then planned the rest later. Look for frames that are at least an inch-thick for sturdiness.

Step 2: Find your studs and plan the statement wall’s layout. Play around with the layout of the collectables and frames by shuffling them around on the floor to see what will best fit your wall. Keep in mind that heavy frames will be safest hung from a stud so plan your arrangement with the heaviest pieces aligned over studs. I usually keep roughly the same amount of space between each frame. Your gallery of frames will look balanced when you keep the biggest or heaviest-looking pieces toward the bottom center. Once you find an arrangement you like, take a picture for reference!


Step 3: Measure, cut, and sand the shelves. Start by measuring the inside width of each frame then decide on the depth of each shelf. The depth will depend on the footprint of whichever items you’re going to place on each shelf. With these width and depth dimensions, cut the shelves from your wood. Sand down all sides of the shelves.


Step 4: Paint the frames and shelves to match. Since your frames are thrifted, they probably won’t all look good together right off the bat. I decided to go with a combination of black and white frames for my wall so I only had to paint a few. Paint your shelves to match, too!

Step 5: Install shelves on each frame. Depending on the item you’re displaying, you may need more support than what I am creating, so keep the weight of your items in mind. Place the wooden shelf inside the bottom edge of the frame. With thicker frames, clamping it in place can help you plan and prep for your braces. Place two braces or brackets so they attach the shelf and frame then pre-drill holes with a drill bit that’s smaller than your screw. Screw into place making sure that your screws aren’t so long that they poke through the shelf or frame.

Each frame is different, so I used a few techniques to attach my shelves. My hardware store didn’t have any braces or brackets that were small enough for my tiniest two frames, so we decided to try hinges—they worked like a charm! Above are some photos of different bracket/brace options I used.

Step 6: Add a colorful background! Since you’re not actually framing a painting or print, you have an empty frame. You could leave it open or paint the wall behind it, but I added a punch of color with paper to keep it more renter-friendly and because that’s easy to swap out on a whim. To do this, lay your frame on the paper (use wrapping paper for the biggest frames!) and trace the outside. Cut a little inside your lines and adjust from there if necessary. Hot glue or painter’s tape are simple ways to attach the paper that will be easy to remove if I want to use the frame differently in the future.

Step 7: Hang your frames as you planned in your layout! Start in the center of the arrangement and move outward. For extra security, hang frames directly in the stud or with drywall anchors if they don’t align with a stud.

Ta-da! Your statement wall is installed! CLICK HERE for part 2 of where I’ll be unveiling my full statement wall and sharing shelf styling tips plus ideas for customizing glassware collections to better fit your home’s mood! I’ll even include a DIY tutorial for these cute felt flowers that enhance my collection.

Plus $500: Special alert for benefit recipients who don’t file a tax return and have dependents
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa


The Internal Revenue Service on Monday issued a special alert for several groups of federal benefit recipients to act by this Wednesday, April 22, if they didn’t file a tax return in 2018 or 2019 and have dependents so they can quickly receive the full amount of their Economic Impact Payment.

Their $1,200 payments will be issued soon and, in order to add the $500 per eligible child amount to these payments, the IRS needs the dependent information before the payments are issued. Otherwise, their payment at this time will be $1,200 and, by law, the additional $500 per eligible child amount would be paid in association with a return filing for tax year 2020.

Following extensive work by the IRS and other government agencies, $1,200 automatic payments will be starting soon for those receiving Social Security retirement, survivor or disability benefits (SSDI), Railroad Retirement benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Veterans Affairs beneficiaries who didn’t file a tax return in the last two years. No action is needed by these groups; they will automatically receive their $1,200 payment.

For those benefit recipients with children who aren’t required to file a tax return, an extra step is needed to quickly add $500 per eligible child onto their automatic payment of $1,200.

For people in these groups who have a qualifying child and didn’t file a 2018 or 2019 tax return, they have a limited window to register to have $500 per eligible child added automatically to their soon-to-be-received $1,200 Economic Impact Payment. A quick trip to a special non-filer tool on by noon Eastern time, Wednesday, April 22, for some of these groups may help put all of their eligible Economic Income Payment into a single payment.

“We want to ‘Plus $500’ these recipients with children so they can get their maximum Economic Impact Payment of $1,200 plus $500 for each eligible child as quickly as possible,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. “They’ll get $1,200 automatically, but they need to act quickly and register at to get the extra $500 per child added to their payment. These groups don’t normally have a return filing obligation and may not realize they qualify for a larger payment. We’re asking people and organizations throughout the country to share this information widely and help the IRS with the Plus $500 Push.”

HED: Have a child but don’t file a tax return? Visit now

Those receiving federal benefits – including Social Security retirement, survivor or disability benefits (SSDI), Railroad Retirement benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Veterans Administration benefits – who have with children and who weren’t required file a tax return in 2018 or 2019 should visit the Non-Filer: Enter Payment Info Here tool on By quickly taking steps to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they can receive the $500 per dependent child payment automatically in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. Otherwise, their payment at this time will be $1,200 and, by law, the additional $500 per eligible child amount would be paid in association with a return filing for tax year 2020.

First window affects SSA/RRB recipients with children; SSI and VA recipients have slightly more time to add $500 to automatic payments

For certain SSA / RRB beneficiaries who don’t normally file a tax return and do not register with the IRS by April 22, they will still be eligible to receive the separate payment of $500 per qualifying child. For those who miss the April 22 deadline, their payment at this time will be $1,200 and, by law, the additional $500 per eligible child amount would be paid in association with a return filing for tax year 2020. They will not be eligible to use the Non-Filer tool to add eligible children once their $1,200 payment has been issued.

SSI and VA beneficiaries have some additional time beyond April 22 to add their children since their $1,200 automatic payments will be made at a later date. SSI recipients will receive their automatic payments in early May, and the VA payment schedule for beneficiaries who receive Compensation and Pension (C&P) benefit payments is still being determined. If they have children and aren’t required to file a tax return, both groups are urged to use the Non-Filer tool as soon as possible. Once their $1,200 payment has been issued, they will not be eligible to use the Non-Filer tool to add eligible children. Their payment will be $1,200 and, by law, the additional $500 per eligible child amount would be paid in association with a return filing for tax year 2020.

HED No action needed by most taxpayers

The Treasury Department will make these automatic payments to SSA, SSI, RRB and VA recipients. Recipients will generally receive the automatic $1,200 payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their benefits.

For information about Social Security retirement, survivors and disability insurance beneficiaries, please visit the SSA website at For more information related to veterans and their beneficiaries who receive Compensation and Pension (C&P) benefit payments from VA, please visit

HED Watch out for scams related to Economic Impact Payments

The IRS urges taxpayers to be on the lookout for scams related to the Economic Impact Payments. There is no fee required to receive these payments.

General IRS information about the Economic Impact Payments

Goodwill, Other Nonprofits Seeking Assistance
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.

Goodwill Industries of Tulsa is joining all other Goodwill organizations and hundreds of other charities to ask Congress for $60 billion in relief in response to COVID-19 and the economic downturn.

“The 12 million workers in America’s charities are on the frontlines of the coronavirus response, and the financial impact of the crisis has put the very survival of many essential service providers at risk,” says Steven Preston, president and CEO of Goodwill Industries International.

In the months and years after the coronavirus pandemic passes, the services Goodwill Industries of Tulsa provides will be integral to rebuilding eastern Oklahoma’s and southwestern Missouri’s economy. Our job training, job placement, and employment services will be in high demand. But we need help getting through this pandemic.

We encourage you to join us send a note to lawmakers in support of a COVID-19 relief package for nonprofits nationwide by following this link.

Further reading:

Goodwill International Press Release

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

Take Some Time to Get Organized


Many of us are stuck at home thanks to COVID-19. If you are staying home you are helping combat one of the worst pandemics the world has seen in a century. That makes you awesome, but just because you are awesome doesn’t mean you aren’t bored. When boredom strikes, why not take some time to organize?

You’ve probably been staring at the same room for a couple of weeks and don’t know where to start. That’s totally normal. We’ve got some tips to help you get organized:


1. Wait to clean until after you gather your clutter

Your clutter has likely collected dust. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, but it’s true. If you clean your home and then tackle your clutter, you’re just letting that dust fall all over your home. Then you have to clean your home twice, and that is not fun.

2. Organize your clutter into piles

Create two piles. One pile is for those things you still want to keep. The other is for you to donate. Don’t bother putting things in their place yet. By pre-organizing your clutter before putting things away, you’ll be able to go faster.

3. Box up the donate pile

Right now isn’t the best time to donate (mostly because of COVID-19). So box up your donate pile. When things calm down, and your favorite Goodwill attended donation center opens, just grab the donation box and bring it to us.

Box up Your Clutter While You’re Staying Home
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.


This is a strange time. Cities are locked down, dine-in restaurants are closed, and an army of health workers are putting their safety on the line as the world is gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic. Tens of thousands of people across eastern Oklahoma and southwestern Missouri are staying home in a valiant community effort to stop the spread of the virus.

All that time at home makes for a great opportunity to reorganize. As you go through your house, we suggest you set a box by the front door. Put those clothes and household items you don’t want anymore in that box. Just leave it there for now. In the coming weeks, you can add to the box (like when you get sick of staring at the same poster on your wall for two weeks straight).

When things calm down, take that box to your nearest Goodwill Industries of Tulsa attended donation center. Your donations will be used to help fund our mission to provide jobs and job training. That’s a mission that will be supremely important in the months after this virus passes.

Click here to find the attended donation center nearest you.

Disneybounding With Cate Lincoln and Goodwill
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.


 Cate Lincoln (@mousinaround) is partnering with Goodwill Industries of Tulsa to find some of the cutest DIY disneybounding outfits! Cate and her dog, Juniper, are spending March dressing up as characters from famous Disney movies and shows. It’s tons of fun. Check out some of her outfits below, and then go over to Instagram and give her a follow so you won’t miss a thing!

View this post on Instagram

Spring means flowers and flowers mean Rapunzel 🌸☀️🌸 And who is Punzie without her cute little green sidekick, Pascal? . . 💜💖🧡💛This post is sponsored by @goodwilltulsa 💛🧡💖💜 . Spring also means SPRING CLEANING. One of my goals during my time at home the next couple of weeks is to clean out my closet. It’s nothing new, but I’m feeling more and more like Marie Kondo and wanting to get rid of anything that doesn’t “spark joy.” . . I’ve always donated my clothes to @goodwilltulsa (I guess some people just throw them away?? Crazy town!). Donating them keeps clothes out of the landfill PLUS the proceeds of the sales go to supporting much needed community programs. WIN! WIN! See my story highlight “thrifting” for more info on @goodwilltulsa ‘s job training programs to get an idea of what you’re supporting when you shop and donate at @goodwilltulsa. . . Is my closet cleanout something that anyone is interested in seeing? Seems a little dull but then again we’re all looking for entertainment anywhere we can find it these days 😂 . DAY 19 #disneyboundchallenge Spring Style: Rapunzel & Pascal

A post shared by Cate Lincoln | Mouseketeer (@mousinaround) on

Understanding the Tax Relief Payment Extension
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.



The President’s emergency declaration Tuesday regarding tax payment relief for those affected by the COVID-19 outbreak has caused some confusion.

To be clear, Tax Day is STILL April 15. That means, as of now, taxpayers are required to file their income tax returns by April 15 or file for a six-month extension.

The emergency declaration does provide that taxpayers who are required to make a federal income tax payment by April 15 can now postpone that payment for 90 days. Interest, penalties, and fees for failure to pay will not be charged during that time, which ends July 15. Individuals and married filing jointly taxpayers can postpone up to $1 million in taxes they owe for 2019.

So, if you owe a payment to the IRS on your 2019 tax return, you now have extra time to pay it. If you are expecting to receive a refund, then you still should file as soon as possible. Taxpayers who cannot file their tax returns by April 15 should complete a federal Form 4868

Oklahoma and Missouri have not adjusted the filing deadline for state income taxes at this time. However, a valid Federal extension will automatically extend the due date of your Missouri and Oklahoma return if no tax is owed. Include a copy of the federal extension with your state return.

Reminder, our VITA sites for free tax preparation are closed through March 29. As an alternative, MyFreeTaxes is a free and easy way for anyone of any income to file simple returns.

Learn more:
Read IRS Notice
IRS Coronavirus Resource Page
OK Income Tax Information
Missouri Income Tax Information

Goodwill Hosts the Self Advocacy Resource Fair
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.


Goodwill Industries of Tulsa partnered with TARC, The Bridges Foundation, and A New Leaf to hold the Self Advocacy Resource Fair at Goodwill’s Edgar J. Helms building.

More than 20 vendors offered information on education, job programs, legal advice, transportation, and more to individuals with disabilities.

Several area schools participated, bussing 155 students with disabilities to the fair.

“It's an opportunity for students to express what they want to do next career-wise," says Loretta, a Goodwill Industries of Tulsa Coordinator. our planet. 

The Self Advocacy Resource Fair offered students a chance to connect with resources for their future. 

Along with the students, 23 adults with disabilities, and 28 parents and school staff also attended.

By playing host to the fair, Goodwill is actively pursuing its mission to provide jobs and job training to those facing employment barriers.

You can find out more about our programs by clicking here.

Your Clutter Doesn’t Have to Be Scary
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.


There are a lot of scary things in this world. By the end of 2020, we’ll have seen 13 full moons, and two Friday the 13ths this year. Eerie, right? There's one thing that doesn’t have to be scary: your clutter.

If you’ve been stepping around your clutter, looking the other way, trying to not make eye contact with it; then it’s time to act. Don’t let the fear of dealing with all the stuff you don’t want any more control your life. Follow a few quick and easy steps to tackle your clutter:

1) Create two piles. One should be for the things you want to keep. The other should be for donations.

2) Once your piles are complete, go ahead and put the things in your keep-it pile in their proper place. Don't wait.

3) Now take everything else to your nearest Goodwill Industries of Tulsa attended donation center.

If you need help finding the nearest attended donation center, click here.

Finding Success After the Military With Goodwill
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.


For the men and women who have served our nation, finding their next calling can be daunting. That’s why Kyle, who served four years with the Marines, encourages other veterans to consider a career in private security.

Kyle is now a district manager for the mobile guarding division at Securitas. He tells us veterans like him are already well-equipped for a job in private security.

“There's a lot of stuff you learn in the service that translates directly into civilian life, especially with guarding,” he explains. “For veterans, this is what you've been doing your whole career.”


Kyle went through Goodwill TulsaWORKS Career Academy to receive the certification required for his new career. Now, he encourages other veterans to follow the same path.

“I'm really trying to reach out to more veterans and show them that this is a great career for them to move into if they're just kind of floating after they got out of the service.”

For information on our Goodwill TulsaWORKS private security programs, click here.

Party Like It’s the ‘90s for Spring Break
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.




Remember Saturday mornings? I don’t mean last Saturday morning when you slept in and then woke up just to wash dishes and do laundry. I mean real Saturday mornings. The ones from when you were a kid. When you rolled out of bed bright and early wearing pajamas. You got yourself some way-too-sweet cereal for breakfast. Then you plopped down in front of the television for the best cartoons ever created. It was the ‘90s, and it was glorious.

It was such a different, magical time. The best drinking glasses came from a fast-food restaurant. The best movies came to your home via VHS. And the best memories typically involved the shows and movies made by the mouse’s company.

Lucky for you, Goodwill Industries of Tulsa stores are constantly rolling out cool, vintage stuff from your childhood.

That means you can show your kids what it was like back in your day. If you're doing the staycation thing for Spring Break, take them on a trip to the past and show them what childhood was like during the greatest decade ever.


Find the Goodwill store nearest you by clicking here.

How Financial Services Fit Goodwill Industries of Tulsa’s Mission
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.


Goodwill Industries of Tulsa exists primarily to provide jobs and job training to those who may face employment barriers. By having a job, those individuals will get a paycheck. In turn, that paycheck will allow them to provide for their own needs. To make sure the money they earn can go as far as they need it to, Goodwill also offers financial stability services.

These services include a savings match program, financial coaching, payday advances (to avoid predatory loans), and VITA.

VITA, or the Volunteer Insurance Tax Assistance is an IRS program offering free tax services. Goodwill facilitates the program for the Tulsa area. VITA allows families with a household income of less than $56,000 to have their taxes prepared and filed free of charge. Our volunteers make sure families who may already be struggling to pay their bills don’t miss out on their refund. We also offer those families the opportunity to use that refund to start a savings account.

If you would like to take advantage of Goodwill’s VITA services, click HERE.

Goodwill Industries of Tulsa and Partners Hosting Self Advocacy Resource Fair
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.



Goodwill Industries of Tulsa is partnering with The Bridges Foundation, A New Leaf, and TARC to host the Self Advocacy Resource Fair.

The event will bring together dozens of community organizations so high school students and young adults with disabilities can easily find the resources they need to succeed in adulthood. Those resources range from legal advice to transportation to education options.

Some of the organizations that will be on hand include Tulsa Community College, The Tulsa Technology Center, The Center for Individuals with Physical Challenges, Tulsa Transit, and the Oklahoma Disability Law Center.

The fair is on March 11th from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Goodwill Industries of Tulsa's Edgar J. Helms Center located at 2740 Southwest Blvd., Tulsa, OK 74107. 

If you are interested in attending, you can email us your questions HERE.

Vita Helps Hundreds File Their Taxes for Free
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.


Goodwill Industries of Tulsa is proud to facilitate the IRS’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program in the Tulsa area.

In February alone, more than three dozen volunteers helped 594 people in the Tulsa area file their taxes for free. Out of nearly six hundred tax returns, 51 of our clients chose to take advantage of the opportunity to set up a savings account.


Our VITA services will continue to stay open until the end of the tax season. We have multiple locations throughout Tulsa, with a wide range of times. The service is free to any individual or family that makes less than $56,000.

To find the location nearest you, click here.

Goodwill TulsaWORKS Security Training Opens Door to New Career for Tulsa Veteran
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.



Goodwill TulsaWORKS Security Training Opens Door to New Career for Tulsa Veteran

In 2016 Kyle got the news that about 20 million other Americans get each year: He was laid off.

After serving in the Marine Corps for four years, Kyle left the service in 2011. He’d gained valuable experience in IT during his military career.

“Basically, we did everything involving communications for the intelligence branches of the Marine Corps,” Kyle says. “Everything from satellite communications, radio communications, data, servers, equipment like that.”

So, it was logical for Kyle to get a job in IT once he entered civilian life. He worked for a company out of California but was able to do so remotely and stay in his hometown of Tulsa. Kyle held that position for several years. But the company made changes that led to cuts, and Kyle was laid off. The timing couldn’t have been much worse.

“I guess there were about three or four major IT layoffs in Tulsa around that same time. So it was really difficult finding another IT job.”

Some friends suggested Kyle take a job in security while he looked for his next IT opportunity. They told him about how he could get certified through Goodwill TulsaWORKS Career Academy. They told him the TulsaWORKS program was the most cost-effective way to become CLEET certified (a requirement for most security positions).

Initially, Kyle viewed security as just a way to make money on the side while he waited for his next IT interview.


“I thought (security) was gonna be, you know, in between jobs,” he remembers. “Part-time on the weekends for some extra pocket money or something.”

But Kyle says he liked security much more than he expected.

“It spoke a lot to what I was doing in the Marine Corps. It felt a lot more like I was making a difference.”

He landed a job with Securitas, providing security at a refinery in Tulsa. He quickly moved up the ranks and recently took over as the district manager for the company’s mobile guarding division. That means he oversees security guards in Tulsa and Oklahoma City who patrol dozens of locations.

“It's been kind of a roller coaster, but I've moved up the chain pretty quickly.”

Now that he’s in management, Kyle returns to Goodwill TulsaWORKS to look for his next hires. He says what impresses him about TulsaWORKS is how the program works to see students succeed after they’ve graduated.

“I really appreciate that about Goodwill, and that is not something that all of the different licensing classes provide,” he says. “(Other programs) are not there to help you. They're there to make money and run a business, which is understandable. Everybody's got to run the business. But Goodwill was really there. The business is almost ancillary to what they're trying to do for the people.”

Click HERE to learn more about the Goodwill TulsaWORKS programs.

High school students receive skills they need to transition into the workforce
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.

High school students receive skills they need to transition into the workforce

Goodwill Industries of Tulsa and its partners have created a pilot program to prepare students for life after graduation. Goodwill TulsaWORKS Career Academy, Tulsa’s Webster High School, AAON, Tulsa Community College, Workforce Tulsa, and Central Bank are all partners in creating *the program.

The students spent the fall semester learning skills that will help them find, apply for, and land jobs after graduation. That teaching has included professional skills, computer skills, and mock interviews with area professionals. The mock interview is a process that develops the poise necessary for the professional world.


“It made me feel more confident,” said Frances, a junior at Webster High School. “He told me to work on my eye contact and gave me tips on that eye contact.”

Frances says the entire pilot program is expanding what is possible for her future by allowing her to experience the professional world in a way no other program at Webster can.
Part of that experience begins next semester when students will receive training and certification on forklift and materials handling. To give the students real-world job experience, AAON will then give paid internships to each student. The teens will also receive a bank account from Central Bank and training on how best to budget and manage their money.

Thanks to this program, students will graduate high school with the skills they need to immediately find and maintain employment.

Goodwill TulsaWORKS Career Academy extends beyond helping high school students. If you or someone you know could benefit from training in a new career path in information technology, forklift and material handling, private security, or hospitality then click on this link to learn more.

#GivingTuesday at Goodwill
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa


Want to join us? We are participating in #GivingTuesday this year and your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Every little bit helps. Your support is what allows us to serve hundreds of people in our community each year. Thank you!

Goodwill Industries of Tulsa provides work opportunities, job training and support services for people with disabilities or other employment barriers.

We have a goal of raising $2,500 this year! You can help us get there by either, joining the conversation online and creating a Facebook Fundraising Page, or by donating directly.


If you'd like to involve your friends and family, download the Step-by-Step instructions below on How To Create a Facebook Fundraising Page for Goodwill.  

Facebook Fundraising How To

Oh, and don't forget to download the photo below with the #GivingTuesday filter
to include on your page.

#GivingTuesday photo

If you'd like to donate directly to Goodwill,
click the link below to see how your donation strengthens our community.

Give Now



About #GivingTuesday
  • Founded in 2012, #GivingTuesday is a global giving movement that has been built by individuals, families, organizations, businesses and communities in all 50 states and in countries around the world.
  • #GivingTuesday harnesses the collective power of a unique blend of partners
to transform how people think about, talk about, and participate in the giving season. It inspires people to take collective action to improve their communities, give back in better, smarter ways to the charities and causes they believe in, and help create a better world.
  • #GivingTuesday demonstrates how every act of generosity counts, and that they mean even more when we give together. 

To learn more about #GivingTuesday participants and activities or to join the celebration of giving, please visit:

Goodwill Halloween DIY: Pipe cleaner Spiders
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa

Illustration showing DIY Halloween Spiders on the Good Thinking Blog


Goodwill sales associate Jana Barham, showed us how to make these creepy – but adorable  spiders using pipe cleaners during our Facebook Live from the store in Carthage, MO. Quick and easy, but also fun to make. 

You will need:

  • Five (5) black pipe cleaners
  • A pair of scissors
  • A form of marker or pen to wrap around


Step 1: Wrap one pipe cleaner around the marker to form a spiral.

Step 2: Take both ends of the spiral and attach them to each other.

Step 3. Take leftover spirals and smoosh them closer together to form the back end of the spider.

Step 4. Take two (2) pipe cleaners and fold them in half, then cut along fold, forming four (4) shorter pipe cleaners that will be the legs.

5. Take one pipe cleaner, wrap it around the middle of the legs and wrap the excess around and in between the legs to form the front of the body.

6. Take the last pipe cleaner, thread it through the back of the body and then wrap the excess around and through the legs to attach the two separate parts of the spider.

7. Bend the legs and cut to desired height.

Repeat as needed!


Mayor Declares 'All Abilities One Community' Day in Tulsa
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa

City of Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum declared Tuesday, September 10, to be “All Abilities One Community Day,” as Goodwill Tulsa hosted an event on Guthrie Green to raise awareness about people with developmental disabilities and Autism.

The Tulsa Developmental Disabilities Awareness Rally was a collaboration between four Tulsa Area United Way agencies – A New Leaf, The Bridges Foundation, TARC and Goodwill – along with Oklahoma People First. Soaring On Hope, a pediatric therapy and Autism center, sponsored the event.

Booths ringed around the Guthrie Green, where parents, caregivers and community members chatted with representatives about the services their organizations and agencies provide to people with disabilities. The atmosphere was fun and relaxed, with line dancing and food trucks. Black Panther, Captain America, Princess Jasmine and other costumed characters walked the green taking pictures and dancing with attendees. The Owasso Varsity Cheer team ended their routine by leading the crowd in a chant of “All abilities. One community!”

The real stars of the rally were the individuals that the organizations serve and support.

“It was fantastic to see how effectively individuals with disabilities can advocate for themselves when given the opportunity,” said David Oliver, Goodwill President.

“I love that the spotlight is on the clients,” said Macy C. Ogle, CEO of A New Leaf, which provides vocational and residential services to people with developmental disabilities. “We are blessed to have them in our lives.”

From the mainstage, clients and others shared their stories of how they advocate for themselves and make a positive impact in Tulsa. “Since I have been at A New Leaf, I have learned to do a lot on my own,” Katy said. “People with disabilities can do a lot of things everyone else can do when they are given a chance!”

“The A is for advocacy and how we go to the legislators and talk to them about advocating for ourselves and tell them how we feel about our services,” said Nancy, with Oklahoma People First and an advocate for the Oklahoma Disability Law Center.

Miss Oklahoma 2019 Addison Price, once so shy she had to have her mother order for her in restaurants, was now on stage sharing how she learned to live with her Dyslexia.

“I wasn’t not good enough. I wasn’t not smart enough. But instead, I just had something I had to overcome,” Price said.

A message of inclusion flowed through their stories. The speakers stressed resiliency, self-advocating, and having a can-do attitude, qualities that the organizations at the rally help them to obtain.

Goodwill prepares people with disabilities for employment, which enables them to become self-sufficient contributors to their communities, through several programs: Supported Employment; Transition Work Adjustment Training, which includes specific training for high school students on the Autism Spectrum; Group Worksites and Goodwill Contract Services.

“We all want the opportunity to be able to serve each other and to be able to show what we can do,” Sen. James Lankford, R-OK, said in a video message. “Finding opportunities for us to all to be able to serve each other matters. It matters to our community and it matters to each person.”

Increased awareness in our community will also help people with disabilities overcome the obstacles they face. In his proclamation, Mayor Bynum noted that 85 percent of people with a disability are unemployed, and they are 7 times more likely to be a victim of abuse.

“And whereas those who experience developmental disabilities should be recognized as equal members. And whereas we recognize those with all different disabilities and with public education and awareness, it benefits the lives of everyone who is affected by developmental disabilities," the mayor's proclamation read. "Now therefore I, G.T. Bynum, mayor of the City of Tulsa, do hereby proclaim September 10th as All Abilities One Community Day in the City of Tulsa.”

This was the inaugural rally and organizers expect it will return.

“I hope this is not the last time this group gathers together to be able to dream together ... and to be able to bring one community together,” Sen. Lankford said.

Motivational speaker Sean Lewis, president of Tulsa People First, the local chapter of Oklahoma People First, said he has been advocating for himself since he “was a kid.” In the past year, he completed his first 100-mile race, enduring snow and rain while being in his wheelchair for over 27 hours.

“I still had a fun time ... and I’m training for my second triathlon in 11 days,” Sean said. “I said all that to say this. Whatever challenge you have, it doesn’t matter. Whatever adversity you have it doesn’t matter, because you can do everything you want to do ... sometimes you just have to find another way.”


Click on a name to get information about the event organizers:
A New Leaf
The Bridges Foundation
Oklahoma People First
Soaring On Hope


Goodwill thanks DSPs, WFD staff
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa

Goodwill is extremely thankful for our employees who work directly with the recipients of our job training and employment services. So, we took time this Direct Support Professionals Week and Workforce Development Professionals Month to let them know.

"We want to honor your work individually, but we also want to honor our work collectively because without it we couldn't even get the mission of Goodwill Industries taking care of," Sabrina Ware, director of Goodwill TulsaWORKS Career Academy and Goodwill Job Connection, told Goodwill direct support professionals and workforce development staff on Friday.

On Thursday, Sept. 12, Goodwill treated Supported Employment staff and Group Worksites employees to a specially catered breakfast.

Then Friday, we held an appreciation party, which included staff from Goodwill Contract Services and Goodwill TulsaWORKS Career Academy at the Edgar J. Helms Center. The theme was game-night. Tables were decorated with board games as centerpieces. (Unfortunately, no time to sneak in a game of Battleship!)

On the room walls were thank you messages and encouraging words, as well as Goodwill's values, which our direct support professionals demonstrate daily: empowerment, diversity, integrity, commitment, and respect.

Nice work by all those who helped put the party together!

The competitive juices started to flow with the trivia challenge.


The Green Table earned the most points and got to take home the trophies.

Goodwill is proud of our employees in Supported Employment, Group Worksites, Goodwill Contract Services, Goodwill TulsaWORKS Career Academy and Goodwill Job Connection, and we salute them for all the mission work they do year-round.

Williams Co. at Goodwill for Day of Caring
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa

Volunteers from Williams Company with supported workers and Goodwill staff at Goodwill Contract Services on United Way Day of Caring 2019.

Williams Company employees love to fly south to Goodwill for the annual United Way Day of Caring.

On Friday, September 6, they returned to Goodwill’s campus on Southwest Boulevard, joining others who were volunteering their time with projects around our community.

Williams Company employees spent time at the 3110 Southwest Boulevard Store, where they put clothes on racks, wares on shelves and helped keep things looking neat and organized.

Marshondria Adams and Lloyd Farnam volunteered their time and expertise with Goodwill Job Connection, Tulsa-West. They were tasked with making follow up calls to Goodwill Job Connection clients to update employment statuses, and provide information on upcoming career events and activities.

After familiarizing themselves with resource information, the two volunteers were anxious to get started. Within the first hour, their calls revealed that five clients had found employment. They were even more excited to be able to inform those newly hired clients that they were now eligible for a $35 clothing voucher to purchase professional attire from a Goodwill retail store for their new job.

Increasing the number of successful employments (or placements) quickly became a friendly competition. Over the course of five hours, Marshondria and Lloyd made approximately 200 calls resulting in 14 successful employment updates. Callbacks were still coming in through the end of the day and we expect more over the next week. Both volunteers expressed interest in volunteering at Goodwill Job Connection again soon. They asked that volunteer applications be emailed to them as soon as possible.

At Goodwill Contract Services, a group from Williams Company ran the annual picnic and fun day. Volunteers played games and worked on crafts with the supported workers.

There was also a dance party, where supported workers showed off their moves in front of YouTube videos. For lunch, volunteers served up grilled hot dogs and chips.

After lunch, GCS employees performed in a talent show. Williams volunteers cheered on the participants, who all received certificates at the end of their performance.

Then came the activity everyone always looks forward to – BINGO!

We are so appreciative of the time the Williams Company employees gave to our programs. Also, a big thank you to all who volunteered on this past Day of Caring.



DIY Statement Wall for Spring Part 2
Goodwill Industries of Tulsa, Inc.

So, we've already built a bright and springy picture frame shelf statement wall perfect for showcasing a collection! It could work for any small objects. Now, I’m sharing some tips for arranging and personalizing one of my favorite collectables; glassware.

For some reason, when I’m out thrifting I’m often drawn to cute bottles or ceramic figurines and until recently they had just been taking up space in my kitchen cabinets. But when I recently blew through on a spring cleaning rampage, I pulled these pieces out and decided to give them a new home on my wall! Collections don’t do anyone any good if they’re tucked away taking up space so now that the picture frame shelves have been built and installed, it’s time to focus on showing off my little glassware collection.

I laid out the pieces that needed a home and asked myself first if they looked good together. I donated a couple that didn’t really fit and I could part with then thought about what I could do to make the rest feel more cohesive. One of the easiest ways to make thrifted items with very different styles feel like a unit is with one uniting color scheme. So, a couple of them got a paint job.

The cute little bunny had hand-painted features when he originally came home with me, but for him to match my cow he needed a glossy white finish. A little spray paint was an easy upgrade! To balance the wall with another “white” bottle, I stuffed the milk bottle with tissue paper. This is a great option for clear glass especially if you don’t want to permanently change it. You could use tissue paper in any color to match your home’s mood! After that, I thought the rest of the pieces would feel unified with complementary backgrounds and flower colors.

If the integrity of your pieces would diminish with a paintjob, maybe you could arrange them in a gradient or rainbow order. Just tricking the eye into seeing some color cohesion is a great way to keep a collection from looking cluttered or disjointed. You could also pull a couple of dominant colors from individual pieces and use those as the backgrounds to spread distinct hues around the display.

Once you’re ready to start placing them on your picture frame shelves, begin with just one item on each shelf. If it looks too sparse, layer in more objects with different heights. As you place each piece, think about how it interacts with the rest of the wall. For example, my white cow, bunny, and stuffed white milk bottle are intentionally spread out. The mint colored geometric vase and green-tinged coke bottle are on opposite sides on purpose, too. With the flowers, I placed the bulkiest looking bouquet front and center to keep the whole wall grounded. The smallest frames and objects are on top for visual balance.

I decided on flowers for the accents because glassware is so fragile and static looking. Faux plants create the illusion of life and further emphasize my color scheme. Want to make some felt flowers to customize your home or collection display? Here’s how…

I always find the most unique additions to my home decor (like these dining chairs!) when I shop at Goodwill, but that’s just one of the perks. In 2015, more than 312,000 people in the United States and Canada connected with jobs or earned employment using Goodwill organizations’ career services programs so I love supporting the organization for that reason, too. Now that my glassware officially has a home, when I’m out thrifting I’ll be able to imagine how new pieces will integrate into my statement wall.

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2800 Southwest Boulevard, Tulsa OK 74107